Friday, 22 June 2007

Beanie search......

Iam looking for a adult size beanie pattern for beginner's. So if anyone out there has a beanie pattern easy enough for a new starter to follow feel free to contact me as when Iam finish my scarf I would like to start on a beanie.


Abby said...

ey Jenn,
I have heaps of patterns for u...what kind do u want.... plain... ribbed.... let me know and I will post u something...
luv Abby

Saffron said...

check out the patterns at They have several patterns for beginngers, I believe. :)

Jennilee said...

Thanks Ab,
I would love it if you sent me a pattern, just one that is super easy to follow please as Iam a bit nervous about starting a pattern!

Thanks saffron
will have a look and see what I can find I havn't checked that site yet. Thanks for your help.
